Conversations between rimland and heartland, or something like that

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Deep, Intense Flashes of Meaning

Returning to Graf Oderland's post on Colin Wilson and «peak experiences», I am followed by some deep sense of continuity underlying the blog topics. My recent posts were a sort of reminder for achieving the peak experience. As Wilson puts it, this is a "deep, intense flash of meaning that is easily forgotten the next morning." And it is the case that many of my flashes have faded over night. This I can attribute to layers of factual and historical knowledge in which I oppose the notion of the underlying structure of pure life. Life as an idea, complete in itself. I am aware of this when I think of my factual and historical completeness in the passage of time. It is as if there are two separate individuals, of which one is always the same, and the other one succumbs to the creation of factual and historical superstructures. I do not mean this as assuming some existentialist pose, but more as an awareness of the possibility to return to the actual state of happiness. Individual happiness! This is a mental process, if I understand Wilson, that can be induced voluntarily and can act as a reminder of real, ahistorical life. However, this did not come to my mind until I posted recently on "That Man from Rio" and "Contempt" films. This I understand as a "mediated reminder" for the peak experiences. Another role for the work of art relating to the underlying structure that helps us understand the completeness of being. And this is when it does not fade over night! This understanding comes from a universal language, which I am growingly eager to learn, but more importantly, which I am not afraid to acknowledge, despite my factual and historical self.

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